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Rationale for Speech Tests

Dear all,

I would appreciate your help on the following two questions.

Q1. Conventional speech perception tests are run using a fixed speech (or noise) level and varying the speech-to-noise ratio (SNR); the implicit assumption is that the speech reception threshold (SRT) is independent of the absolute speech or noise levels. I would appreciate some references that proof this statement and justify this procedure (PDFs of the appropriate references would be even better).

Q2. Can speech psychometric functions (that is, functions representing percent correct identification versus SNR) be modeled using signal detection theory? I would also appreciate references.

Thank you so much in advance,

- Enrique

Enrique A. Lopez-Poveda, Ph.D.
Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y Leon
Universidad de Salamanca
Calle Pintor Fernando Gallego 1, 37007 Salamanca, Spain
Phone: (+34)923294500 ext. 1957; Fax: (+34) 923294750
Skype: ealopezpoveda