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Re: graphing software? (UNCLASSIFIED)
This would be straightforward to do in Matlab or Octave. Here's some
sample code:
% data
az = [ -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180];
az_err = [ 15 20 15 5 15 20 15 10];
el_err = [ 15 15 15 5 15 15 15 15];
% setup axes
axis square
set(gca,'xlim',[-100 100],'ylim',[-100 100])
hold on
% draw circle
r = 360/(2*pi);
x = r * cos( pi * (0:360)/180);
y = r * sin( pi * (0:360)/180);
% draw ellipses
for i = 1:length(az)
x_cent = r * cos( pi * (az(i)+90)/180);
y_cent = r * sin( pi * (az(i)+90)/180);
x = x_cent + az_err(i) * cos( (0:360) * pi/180);
y = y_cent + el_err(i) * sin( (0:360) * pi/180);
Scharine, Angelique A CIV USARMY ARL (US) wrote, On 4/19/2012 1:58 PM:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE
In this case a picture would be worth a thousand words - but I'll try
to express this briefly.
I would like to find a program that would allow me to create a graph
of auditory localization error by plotting statistics representing
azimuth and elevation error as an ellipse. The diagram would then be
a circle representing a horizontal plane and error would be
represented by the ellipses centered on the point on the circle
representing that particular angle. Does this make sense? Does anyone
know of such a program?
I am a bit insane and obsessive and have figured out how to do this
by hand using Photoshop, but it is time intensive. The results are
gorgeous, but given the number of conditions for which I want to
create graphs, it is impractical. Help? A.
Ewan A. Macpherson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
School of Communication Sciences & Disorders
and National Centre for Audiology
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
519-661-2111 Ext 88072