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Ph.D. position in psychoacoustics available in Lyon, France

Dear List,


Please find below the announcement for a PhD position available in my lab. Thanks for circulating it among your (good) students.







Ph.D. position in psychoacoustics available in Lyon, France



Cocktail-party in rooms: streaming, binaural hearing and reverberation



Mathieu Lavandier, Département Génie Civil et Bâtiment (team Analyse Physique et Perceptive des Espaces Construits et de leurs Environnements, FRE CNRS 3237)

Nicolas Grimault, Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (team Cognition Auditive et Psychoacoustique, INSERM U1028 – UMR CNRS 5292)


The term cocktail-party is used to describe situations when a listener tries to understand a target speech source when other people around are taking at the same time. When a sound sequence arrives at a listener’s ears, he/she will perceive it as one or more auditory streams, generally corresponding to one or more sound sources. Sounds originating alternately from a target and competing source will need to be separated into two streams for the target to be intelligible. In rooms, reverberation leads to temporal and spectral distortions of speech signals. We want to investigate to which extend these distortions deteriorate the segregation/streaming of competing voices. Listening tests will be designed to evaluate the influence of reverberation on segregation mechanisms based on fundamental frequency differences and differences in source positions.


*A. S. Bregman, Auditory scene analysis, the perceptual organization of sound. The MIT Press, 1990.

*E. Gaudrain, N. Grimault, E. W. Healy, J.-C. Béra, Effect of spectral smearing on the perceptual segregation of vowel sequences, Hear. Res., 231, pp. 32-41, 2007.

*M. Lavandier, J. F. Culling, Speech segregation in rooms: Monaural, binaural and interacting effects of reverberation on target and interferer, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (4), pp. 2237-2248, Apr. 2008

*A. J. Watkins, Perceptual compensation for effects of reverberation in speech identification, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118 (1), pp. 249-262, July 2005


Starting date of Ph.D.: October 1st 2011


Closing date for applications: July 17th 2011


Please send your application, with a CV and the coordinates of 2 referees to the contact below.


Contact : Mathieu Lavandier                           mathieu.lavandier@xxxxxxxx

Tél : +33 (0)4 72 04 70 30



Mathieu Lavandier
Université de Lyon, Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat (ENTPE)
Département Génie Civil et Bâtiment (DGCB), Unité CNRS 3237

Rue M. Audin, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin Cedex, FRANCE
Tél : +33 (0)4 72 04 70 30
Fax : +33 (0)4 72 04 70 41