email Dr. Mark Eckert (eckert@xxxxxxxx)
for additional information about this position.
Hearing Research Program at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston invites
applications for an NIDCD-funded post-doctoral fellowship on age-related neural
changes in speech recognition. This is a 2-year training opportunity
(funding available for up to 5 years) to work with an interdisciplinary group
of auditory scientists who use neuroimaging, electrophysiology, and
psychoacoustics methods. The successful applicant will contribute to a 20-year
longitudinal study on presbyacusis. We seek applicants with peer-reviewed
publications in audition, language, or attention. The successful
candidate will have skills in at least one of the following areas:
neuroimaging, programming, and statistics. Please email Dr. Mark Eckert (eckert@xxxxxxxx) for additional information. Applicants
should include a CV and a statement of interests. MUSC is located on the
coastline, in the heart of historic Charleston.