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Re: 1. Objective intelligibility measurements (3)
Dear All,
We have been developing a "PESQ Intelligibility" and written a paper for
the J. of the Audio Engineering Society which is currently under review.
John Beerends
The Netherlands
-----Original Message-----
From: AUDITORY - Research in Auditory Perception
[mailto:AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Lorenzo Picinali
Sent: dinsdag 16 september 2008 12:00
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: 1. Objective intelligibility measurements (3)
Dear Matt,
I don't know if you have ever been using PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of
the Speech Quality, ITU Recommendation P.862)...
We started using it three years ago for the objective evaluation of
hearing aids audio quality, but at the end we concluded that for that
specific task, PESQ can generate problems...
Nevertheless, it seems that for your problems it could be worth trying:
actually, PESQ should give an estimation of the MOS (Mean Opinion Score,
ITU-T P.800) for the quality of the speech, and not specifically for the
intelligibility, but there is an interesting paper where speech
intelligibility measurements have been done using a modified version of
PESQ (the authors were Beerends, Larsen, Iyer ad van Vugt "Measurement
of speech intelligibility based on the PESQ approach"...if you are
interested, I can send you the article)...
The PESQ MOS estimation is done comparing two signals, a reference one
and the signal under test: you could estimate the MOS (or MOS-LQO, which
is a sort of the remapping of the PESQ score in order to make it closer
to the MOS) for two couples, correspondent to the two communication
system to be tested with and without added noise, i.e.:
-Couple1: System1WithoutNoise - System1WithNoise
-Couple2: System2WithoutNoise - System2WithNoise Getting the two scores,
you should be able to have an estimation on which of the two system is
more "resistant" to additive noise...
I'm not sure whether PESQ can be considered as perfectly suitable for
your task, but I really think it could be worth trying!
If you need any more information about PESQ and about how does it work,
I can just send you a brief analytical description!
Lorenzo Picinali
PhD Student
Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre
0116 2551551, internal 6770
Clephan Building CL0.19
De Montfort University
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