We are looking for a Research Scientist and a Research Engineer to contribute to experimental work in the area of auditory perception.
The project involves investigating and improving the performance of cochlear implant and hearing-aid systems. In particular, we aim to develop better ways of processing sounds for recipients of cochlear implants who also use acoustic hearing aids.
This is an exciting opportunity for applying creative thinking to help solve important practical problems experienced by people with hearing impairment.
These positions are available in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne, one of the world's leading centres of hearing research.
For further details, please go to:
or contact me directly (details below).
Best regards,
Prof. Hugh McDermott
Professor of Auditory Communication and Signal Processing
Department of Otolaryngology
The University of Melbourne
384 - 388 Albert Street,
East Melbourne. 3002
Phone: +61 3 9929 8665
Fax: +61 3 9663 6086
E-mail: hughm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web page: http://www.medoto.unimelb.edu.au/people/mcdermoh/