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workshp on "From Speech to Audio: bandwith extension, binaural perception"-Lannion, France,

Dear colleagues,

The workshp on "From Speech to Audio: bandwith extension, binaural perception" will held in Lannion (France, Bretagne) the 10, 11 and 12 september 2008. If you are interested to submit an abstract, please note that the deadline for submission is postponed. Please, have a look to the joint call for paper, the sujects are diverse, from loudness to test methods.

Please, could you forward this message to all person that could be interested.

Sincerely yours

Sabine Meunier


Sabine Meunier
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
31 chemin Joseph-Aiguier
13402 Marseille Cedex 20

tél : 04 91 16 41 75
fax : 04 91 16 43 71
mél : meunier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Attachment: CFP and Submission Instructions-1.doc
Description: MS-Word document