Dear Monica, Although it is not a large database, you might be interested in the excerpts used in the following paper : Vieillard, S., Peretz, I., Gosselin, N., Khalfa, S., Gagnon, L. & Bouchard, B. (in press) Happy, sad, scary and peaceful musical excerpts for research on emotions. Cognition and Emotion The musical excerpts that are validated in this study as well as a pdf version of the paper are available for download on the BRAMS website : Monica Vakil a écrit : Dear List, -- Sylvain CLEMENT (MCF) JE Neuropsychologie et Cognition Auditive (JE 2497) UFR de Psychologie BP 60149, Université Ch. de Gaulle Lille 3 Domaine universitaire "Pont de Bois" 59 653 Villeneuve d'ascq Cedex FRANCE tél : (03 20 41) 64 42 |