Le 21 janv. 08 à 23:46, Hornsby, Benjamin Wade Young a écrit :
Hi All,I'm looking for references to help determine the inter-word interval touse for a serial recall task. I'll be presenting strings ofmonosyllables (random lengths) and measuring accuracy of word recall ofthe final few words (and reaction times). Given I've got multiple conditions I'm trying to shorten the test duration by reducing the silent interval between the words. Any help directing me to references that have examined the effects of various inter-word intervals on auditory serial recall would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much, Ben Hornsby
There are several studies focusing on variables affecting long and short term storage in a recall task. The variables that affect the efficiency of rote learning – presentation rate, number of presentations, etc .. – have also an effect on the beginning section of the serial position curve. Increase of the repetition rate seems to facilitate rote learning and thus long term storage. In Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) when the repetition rate (one word at x-sec rate) increases, the probability of recall is raised in all but the last few positions of the recall curve.
Glanzer, M., and Cunitz, A. R. (1966). "Two Storage Mechanisms in Free Recall," Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 5, 351-360.
Best regards Patrick Susini------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------
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