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Re: Cochlea Amplifier models : a new list

Protection does not occur "at the expense of the region tuned to half an octave higher". At high sound levels the traveling wave excursions peak and then die down half an octave before reaching the OHCs that are tuned to the given frequency.

Under physiological conditions vulnerability of OHCs is only a problem if sound matches their CF (resonance catastrophe). Under physiological conditions off-CF overstimulation of OHCs is not an issue.

In the lab, of course, off-CF overstimulation of OHCs can be so strong that damages occur here as well. One result of these experiments is that they also show the dissociation of neural tuning and BM tuning, and that the passive BM is strategically tuned to take out energy before it reaches the OHC that are tuned to this energy.


Martin Braun
Neuroscience of Music
S-671 95 Klässbol
web site: http://w1.570.telia.com/~u57011259/index.htm

----- Original Message ----- From: "Erik Larsen" <elarsen@xxxxxxx>
To: <AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Cochlea Amplifier models : a new list

What would be the point of protecting the region tuned to the frequency at which high levels of energy are present, at the expense of the region tuned to half an octave higher? As I'm sure you know there is a long list of publications showing this pattern of acoustic injury.

Perhaps the shift in best frequency is an epiphenomenon?
