After our discussion last week, I have made a new list of possible
physiological Cochlea Amplifiers (some of these are weakly
physiologically based). I currently count six.
Can anyone think of other physiologically based CAs to add to the
list ?
In no particular order :
a] Oscillators : Van Der Pol type oscillators, which I believe
began with Johannesma [1] b] Squirting wave : Andrew Bell's Organ of
Corti squirting amplifier [2] c] Dual resonance : Martin Braun's dual
resonance model [3] d] Feedback amp. : Zwicker's feedback amplifier
[4] e] Hopf amplifier : Hopf bifurcation augmenting the travelling
wave [5,6] f] Active TW : Active travelling wave amplifiers - of
which I believe there are many, I reference only one [7]
thanks Matt