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Experiments with large N

      Which one of Hartmann's 1993 JASA papers are you refering to?
One of them has 6 listeners and other (Hartmann and Rakerd) has 11
listener data. So please specify what you mean by "very large" N.

I was thinking large, and I had no bias for a specific N. Hartmann run experiment-like demos in a classroom (N=99). Neuhoff et al. (2002) also did experiment in a classroom (N ~=200).

Here is the Hartmann's reference:
Hartmann, (1993). Auditory demonstrations on compact-disk for large N. JASA 93, 1-16.

So far it looks that the experiment with the largest N (513!) is "The role of contrasting temporal amplitude patterns in the perception of speech" Healy and Warren JASA but I didn't check yet the methodology to see whether is a between or a within subject design.

Massimo Grassi - PhD
Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale
Via Venezia 8 - 35131 Padova - Italy