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18 fellowships in speech and hearing research

Sound to Sense
18 Fellowships in speech research

Sound to Sense (S2S) is a Marie Curie Research Training Network involving collaborative speech research amongst 13 universities in 10 countries. 18 Training Fellowships are available, of which 12 are predoctoral and 6 postdoctoral (or equivalent experience). Most but not all are planned to start in September or October 2007.

A research training network's primary aim is to support and train young researchers in professional and inter-disciplinary scientific skills that will equip them for careers in research. S2S's scientific focus is on cross-disciplinary methods for modelling speech recognition by humans and machines. Distinctive aspects of our approach include emphasis on richly-informed phonetic models that emphasize communicative function of utterances, multilingual databases, multiple time domain analyses, hybrid episodic-abstract computational models, and applications and testing in adverse listening conditions and foreign language learning.

Eleven projects are planned. Each can be flexibly tailored to match the Fellows' backgrounds, research interests, and professional development needs, and will fall into one of four broad themes.
1: Multilinguistic and comparative research on Fine Phonetic Detail (4 projects)
2: Imperfect knowledge/imperfect signal (2 projects)
3: Beyond short units of speech (2 projects)
4: Exemplars and abstraction (3 projects)

The institutions and senior scientists involved with S2S are as follows:
* University of Cambridge, UK (S. Hawkins (Coordinator), M. Ford, M. Miozzo, D. Norris. B. Post)
* Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium (D. Van Compernolle, H. Van Hamme, K. Demuynck)
* Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (Z. Palkov, T. Dub?da, J. Voln)
* University of Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France (N. Nguyen, M. d'Imperio, C. Meunier)
* University Federico II, Naples, Italy (F. Cutugno, A. Corazza)
* Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (L. ten Bosch, H. Baayen, M. Ernestus, C. Gussenhoven, H. Strik)
* Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway (W. van Dommelen, M. Johnsen, J. Koreman, T. Svendsen)
* Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (M. Giurgiu)
* University of the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain (M-L. Garcia Lecumberri, J. Cenoz)
* University of Geneva, Switzerland (U. Frauenfelder)
* University of Bristol, UK (S. Mattys, J. Bowers)
* University of Sheffield, UK (M. Cooke, J. Barker, G. Brown, S. Howard, R. Moore, B. Wells)
* University of York, UK. (R. Ogden, G. Gaskell, J. Local)

Successful applicants will normally have a degree in psychology, computer science, engineering, linguistics, phonetics, or related disciplines, and want to acquire expertise in one or more of the others. Further details are available from the web about:
+ the research network and how to apply: http://www.ling.cam.ac.uk/s2s/s2sJobAd.pdf (92 kB)
+ the research projects http://www.ling.cam.ac.uk/s2s/s2sProjects.pdf (328 kB).