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Re: paleontology history of the hearing system among mamals and prehuman species



Evolution of the Vertebrate Auditory System
Series: Springer Handbook of Auditory Research , Vol. 22 
Manley, Geoffrey A.; Popper, Arthur N.; Fay, Richard R. (Eds.) 
2004, XVII, 415 p., 100 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 0-387-21089-X 

Dr Daniel Rowan

Admissions Tutor for BSc Audiology
Room 4079, Tizard Building (13)
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
Office: +44 (0)23 80592928
Reception: +44 (0)23 80592287/8
Fax: +44 (0)23 80594981

BSc Audiology information:

>>> Mike Ravicz <Mike_Ravicz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 26 September 2006 14:18
A paper by my colleague John Rosowski is a good place to start:

"What did Morganucodon hear?", Rosowski and Graybeal, Zool. J.  
Linnean Soc. 101: 131-168 (1991).
Also a book "Evolutionary Biology of Hearing", D.B. Webster et al.  
(Eds).  Springer-Verlag: New York (1992).