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Re: working memory and melody

I find a similar effect myself, but it crucially interacts with my familiarity with the music. For example, if I'm listening to a Bach cello suite, which I've heard numerous times in the past, I can re-create the listening experience even though I'm 'passively' listening during a reading task. In essence, I can predict what the music sounded like (or should have sounded like) and feel thoroughly satisfied with the reading and listening experiences.

Now, if I'm listening to chance compositions (Cage),'avant garde' (Kagel, Scelsi, AMM, etc.), soundscapes (Alan Lamb, Arnold Dreyblatt, etc.)reading does have an effect on the listening experience. Without a doubt I re-visit the music soon after reading.
Take home: If I can hum it, I can read with it.

Quoting Bruno Repp <repp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I am an avid music listener and listen to classical music practically every morning and evening. Classical music requires full attention to be appreciated properly. However, because the listening takes up a lot of time, I have often tried to combine it with other activities. I soon found out that reading, even of the most trivial text, is totally disruptive. I feel I have not heard the music at all while I was reading-a very disheartening experience.

================================ chandan r. narayan dept. of linguistics university of michigan cnarayan@xxxxxxxxx www-personal.umich.edu/~cnarayan ================================