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Re: Threshold of increasing/decreasing tones

Dear Stefan,

Do you intend to use a continuous tone decreasing/increasing in level or to present sequences of short stationary tones, for which the level decreases/increases from tone to tone.

These two situations are likely to differ with respect to the effects referred to by John Neuhoff and Massimo Grassi.


Massimo Grassi wrote:

Dear Stefan,

Is anybody aware of effects due
to the direction of level change, especially can a lowered threshold for
decreasing tones be caused by some kind of "continuity" or "priming" effect?

there are few other references that might be interesting for you (see below).
(1), (2) and (3) concerns subjective duration [(1) and (2) use sounds
longer/much longer than 200-ms whereas (3) uses sounds of duration < 200-ms].
(4) concerns loudness.

1) Grassi, M., Darwin, C. J. (in press). The subjective duration of ramped and
damped sounds. Perception & Psychophysics. (ask me a draft if you need it)

2) Grassi, M. (2003). Differenza nella durata percettiva di suoni crescenti o
calanti in intensità: permanenza o decurtamento? Giornale Italiano di
Psicologia, 30, 659-663. (in English the title sounds like: "Subjective
duration of ramped and damped sounds: ringing or echo?")

3) Schlauch, R. S., Ries, D. T., & DiGiovanni, J. J. (2001). Duration
discrimination and subjective duration for ramped and damped sounds. Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 109, 2880-2887.

4) Small, A. M. (1977). Loudness perception of signals monotonically changing
sound pressure. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 61, 1293-1297.

Massimo Grassi - PhD
Laboratorio di Psicologia
Via Petracco 8 - 33100 Udine - Italy

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - CSIT -Universita' di Udine

-- *************************** Bernhard Laback, Ph.D. Acoustics Research Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences Reichsratsstrasse 17 A-1010 Wien Austria Tel.: 0043-1-4277-29514 Fax.: 0043-1-4277-9295 http://www.kfs.oeaw.ac.at/ ***************************