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Re: Penfield link to:tramatic brain injury and 'photographic' auditory recall

---This link gives further details to the penfield experiments described by diana deutch



On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 13:35:51
 Diana Deutsch wrote:
>Dear Jerry,
>  Penfield and associates  found that, on stimulation of certain
>regions in the temporal lobe, patients might 'hear' long segments of
>speech or music as though they were really occurring. There is a
>question, though, of whether these experiences constituted true or
>'imagined' recall. From your description it's unclear whether your
>wife  simply 'remembered' these conversations, or whether they
>appeared to be true recurrences (i.e., as though real sounds). I also
>wonder whether she 'replayed'  conversations that had occurred before
>or after the injury.
>Diana Deutsch
>>My wife sustained a concussion 2 years ago. For a period in her recovery she
>>had 'tape recording' perfect replay of earlier conversations. It was as if
>>it were happening all over again but several hours later.
>>Has anyone heard of this?
>Diana Deutsch
>Department of Psychology
>University of California, San Diego
>La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
>858-453-1558 (tel)
>858-453-4763 (fax)

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