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Re: Semantic sound perception

Dear Hadi, 

Here are a few references on "real world" sounds....

Ballas, J. A. (1993). "Common factors in the identification of an assortment
of brief everyday sounds," J. Exp. Psych. Human. 19(2), 250-267.

Ballas, J. A. and Mullins, T. (1991). "Effects of context on the
identification of everyday sounds," Hum. Perform. 4(3), 199-2 19.

Cabe, P. A., & Pittenger, J. B. (2000). Human sensitivity to acoustic
information from vessel filling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human
Perception & Performance, 26(1), 313-324.

Lakatos, S., McAdams, S., & Causse, R. (1997). The representation of
auditory source characteristics: Simple geometric form. Perception &
Psychophysics, 59(8), 1180-1190.

Li, X., Logan, R., & Pastore, R. (1991). "Perception of acoustic source
characteristics: Walking sounds," J. Acoust. SOC. Am, 90(6), 3036-3049.

Halpern, D., Blake, R., & Hillenbrand, B. (1986). Psychoacoustics of a
chilling sound. Perception and Psychophysics, 39 (2), 77-80.

Warren, W. H. & Verbrugge, R. R. (1984). "Auditory perception of breaking
and bouncing events: a case study in ecological acoustics," J. of Exp.
Psych.: Human Perception and Performance 10,704-712.

John G. Neuhoff
Department of Psychology
The College of Wooster 
Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: 330-263-2475 
Fax: 928-244-5577

An invitation to APCAM 2003
2nd Annual Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting
November 6, Vancouver, B.C. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: AUDITORY Research in Auditory Perception 
> [mailto:AUDITORY@LISTS.MCGILL.CA] On Behalf Of hadi harb
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 6:40 AM
> Subject: Semantic sound perception
> Dear list,
> I am looking for references (results) of experiments on the 
> perception of
> semantic real world sound signals by humans. For instance, the
> discrimination between speech and music signals, the 
> recognition of music
> genres. Aspects like the temporal integration for real world 
> signals and the
> short term memory are extremely relevant for my research.
> Till now I found references of experiments on simple (tones) signals.
> Any suggestion or direction will be helpful.
> Thank you
> Hadi Harb
>  Dept. Mathematiques - Informatique,
>  36, av Guy de Collongue,
>  69130 Ecully France EUROPE
>  tel: +33 (0)
>  fax: +33 (0)
>  e-mail: hadi.harb@ec-lyon.fr
>  web: http://perso.ec-lyon.fr/hadi.harb