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Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting
2nd Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting
Thursday November 6, 2003
Vancouver, British Columbia
This year's keynote address will be given by
Dr. Albert S. Bregman
Emeritus Professor, McGill University
APCAM will be held just prior to the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society (see http://psychonomic.org/). The goal of APCAM is to bring
together researchers from various theoretical perspectives to present
focused research on auditory cognition, perception, and aurally guided
action. APCAM is a unique meeting in its exclusive focus on the perceptual,
cognitive, and behavioral aspects of audition.
Deadline for submissions is August 4.
For details please see:
Topics may include (but are certainly not limited to):
*Auditory localization, motion perception, and spatial cognition
*Auditory object, event, and pattern perception
*Aurally guided action and navigation
*Auditory scene analysis
*Auditory timing and attention
*Pitch, loudness, and timbre perception
*Music perception, cognition, and performance
*Comparative auditory processing
*Auditory behavioral neuroscience
*Auditory memory and source identification
For more information contact:
John G. Neuhoff
Department of Psychology
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: 330-263-2475
Fax: 928-244-5577
An invitation to APCAM 2003
2nd Annual Auditory Perception Cognition and Action Meeting
November 6, Vancouver, B.C.