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FW: PC sound cards

Ha Pierre,

As one of the best sound cards under musicians are now often
mentioned the ones of Hammerfall, see


However, I don't know whether they are good enough for
your requirements.

I came recently accross a website where the test results of many
soundcards were give.

When I find it again I will send you the link.

Kind regards,

Leon van Noorden

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: AUDITORY Research in Auditory Perception
> [mailto:AUDITORY@LISTS.MCGILL.CA]namens Pierre Divenyi
> Verzonden: 29 jan 03 21:21
> Onderwerp: PC sound cards
> Dear Colleagues,
> Is there  a PC sound card with specifications indicating a high enough
> quality (linearity, harmonic distortion, channel separation) that would
> make it suitable for use in auditory experiments?
> Thank you in advance for any information leading to the arrest of
> the suspect.
> All the best,
> Pierre
> ******************************************************************
> **********
> Pierre Divenyi, Ph.D.      Chief, Speech and Hearing Research (151)
>                                       V.A. Medical Center and East Bay
> Institute
>                                  for Research and Education
>                             Martinez, CA 94553, USA
> Phone:             +1 (925) 370-6745
> Fax:                       +1 (925) 229-3035
> E-mail :                       pdivenyi@ebire.org
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