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ICMPC7 - Sydney, July 17-21, 2002 - reminder

- Please Distribute (with apologies for multiple postings) -

A reminder that the 7th International Conference on Music Perception &
Cognition (ICMPC7) will be held in Sydney, Australia, July 17-21, 2002.

The CLOSING DATE for submission of structured abstracts, papers, and
symposium proposals, is Thursday NOVEMBER 15, 2001.

Please visit the ICMPC7 web site (www.icmpc.org) for details of the
conference including our 4 keynote speakers, registration and accommodation
details, social program and procedures for submission of material.

We look forward to receiving your ICMPC7 submission by November 15!

Kate Stevens, Chair, ICMPC7
  and the ICMPC7 Organising Committee
c/- Dr Kate Stevens
School of Psychology & MARCS
University of Western Sydney - Bankstown
Locked Bag 1797 South Penrith DC
NSW 1797 Australia

Tel: +612 9772 6324  Fax: +612 9772 6736
Web: www.icmpc.org   Email: icmpc7@uws.edu.au