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Christian Kaernbach asked about:
"official" definitions of terminology, be it loudness, pitch, ...
William L Martens responded with:
"One classic source is the 1960 book entitled "American Standard Acoustical
Hopefully, if one sought the 1960 publication it would be revealed that this
reference has been updated in 1994. The revision is designated ANSI
S1.1-1994 (ASA 111-1994) and has the same title. You may find that this
document does not provide the level of detail you are looking for but it
does define many terms.
David I. Havelock
Acoustics and Signal Processing Group
Institute for Microstructural Sciences, M-36
National Research Council (Canada)
1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0R6
voice: (613) 993-7661 fax: (613)952-3670
45N27'16" 75E37'26"