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Walking down halls ...Answers to Kevin
Kevin and others interested in some additional details:
>I wonder ... How wide was the hall?
2.1 meters wide and 2.8 meters high
>How far away were the speakers and
>the loudspeakers from the microphones?
As I had mentioned earlier these were binaural recordings. In this case
the recordings were taken from two small microphones placed within my ears
as I walked down the hallway. This method while producing some of the best
binaural quality (realistic pinnae, body shadowing, etc.), diminishes some
control over the exact position of the microphones at any one time.
With that in mind when the microphones passed in closest contact with
the loudspeakers they were approximately 68 cm to the side of my head. All
speakers were 15 cm below the plane of my ears (give or take 4 cm for my
head's movement while walking). The 'live' talkers were shorter than me and
positioned similarly to the loudspeakers.
>Is the same 'effect' present when the micropones remain still and the
>sources move past the fixed mics? (These are also issues for the artistic
>practice called "soundscaping".)
A question I would certainly be interested in finding an answer to.
Michael S. Gordon
Ecological Acoustics Laboratory
Department of Psychology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521