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AUDITORY Digest - 16 Jul 2001 to 17 Jul 2001 (#2001-140)

There are 3 messages totalling 130 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Those messages about "AUDITORY list edit URL
  2. finger nails on blackboard (2)


Date:    Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:16:46 +0200
From:    Stefan Muenkner <stefan.muenkner@UNI-TUEBINGEN.DE>
Subject: Re: Those messages about "AUDITORY list edit URL

How about providing for a pgp-key field in the member information
then?  It could even be used to encrypt the mail containing the


  Stefan Muenkner                | email:
  Institute of Physiology II     | stefan.muenkner@uni-tuebingen.de
  University of Tuebingen        |
  Gmelinstr. 5                   | phone +49 7071 29-84162
  D-72076 Tuebingen              | fax   +49 7071 22917
  Germany                        |

"JL" == John Lazzaro <lazzaro@CS.BERKELEY.EDU> writes:
  JL> Dan and many list members know this already, but just to be
  JL> clear here -- that email message, sent to the "registered
  JL> user", can be snooped on its way to you by a
  JL> moderately-talented and sufficiently-motivated attacker. In
  JL> this application, its a perfectly sane tradeoff -- the
  JL> amount of work needed to snoop the email isn't worth the
  JL> thrill of changing the bio information of an auditory list
  JL> member. But in general, be aware that unencrypted email is
  JL> secure only by obscurity, and use an encryption package
  JL> like PGP if you need real security.

  JL> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  JL> John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS
  JL> -- UC Berkeley lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
  JL> www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro
  JL> -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Tue, 17 Jul 2001 01:02:50 +0800
From:    Mikael Fernstrom <mikael.fernstrom@UL.IE>
Subject: finger nails on blackboard

Dear list,

A question that has reoccurred over the last year in my philosophising abou=
sound is:
Why do we feel so uncomfortable when hearing the sound of finger nails
scraping on a blackboard?

I'm working on my PhD in ecological sound design and this question seems to
turn up every now and then...

Mikael Fernstr=F6m, M.Sc.
Interaction Design Centre,
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Limerick, IRELAND
Phone: +353-61-202606 Mobile: +353-86-8188079
Web: www.idc.ul.ie www.softday.ie=20


Date:    Tue, 17 Jul 2001 21:56:55 -0700
From:    John Neuhoff <jneuhoff@ACS.WOOSTER.EDU>
Subject: Re: finger nails on blackboard

Mikael ,
There's actually some work on scraping chalkboard sounds.  See:

Halpern, Blake & Hillenbrand (1986). Psychoacoustics of a chilling sound.
Perception & Psychophysics Vol 39(2), 77-80.

One finding was that "Contrary to popular belief, removal of low, but not of
high, frequencies lessened the sound's unpleasantness."  (from the
abstract).  Joe Wayand also has some work in progress on these kinds of
sounds.  I think he's on the list, but if not he can be reached at

-John Neuhoff
John G. Neuhoff
The College of Wooster
Department of Psychology
Wooster, OH 44691


Voice (330) 263-2475
FAX (520) 244-5577

----- Original Message -----
From: Mikael Fernstrom <mikael.fernstrom@UL.IE>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: finger nails on blackboard

Dear list,

A question that has reoccurred over the last year in my philosophising about
sound is:
Why do we feel so uncomfortable when hearing the sound of finger nails
scraping on a blackboard?

I'm working on my PhD in ecological sound design and this question seems to
turn up every now and then...

Mikael Fernström, M.Sc.
Interaction Design Centre,
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Limerick, IRELAND
Phone: +353-61-202606 Mobile: +353-86-8188079
Web: www.idc.ul.ie www.softday.ie