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Re: AP in all of us? New evidence from speech research
Title: Re: AP in all of us? New evidence from speech
Martin, Rebecca and others,
I have not participated in this discussion group previously, but
the thread of this discussion is getting close to work that we
are doing. In fact, we have an article under review in JASA that
deals with the issue of whether people use a fixed or some type of
variable reference to maintain a particular voice fundamental
frequency. I am more of a motor physiologist by training and
approach the issue of pitch memory from that angle. In our
work, we provide incorrect auditory pitch feedback (that is,
pitch-shifted auditory feedback) to subjects while they are sustaining
a constant note. Our work to date suggests people use a variable
reference, be it pitch memory or something else. Our work also
suggests that the auditory feedback is much more important for this
control process than other types of sensory feedback, such as from
muscle or joint receptors in the laryngeal region.
Unfortunately, we haven't done enough work on this issue in trained
singers yet, and so I can't address some of the issues that have been
raised in this discussion. I would mention, however, that
several years ago, I sinusoidally modulated voice pitch feedback by +
and - 100 cents at a frequency of about .1 Hz to a singer with perfect
pitch (or absolute pitch if you prefer), and she was unable to control
her voice F0. That is, the modulated pitch feedback drove her
voice F0 output up and down in a manner that compensated for the
changes in pitch feedback. By modulating her voice output, she
kept the auditory feedback pitch at a set level. I should add
that this process happens automatically. The people that we have
tested in this type of paradigm automatically change their voice F0 to
compensate for changes in pitch of auditory feedback.
The question was also asked about whether singers use some type
of sensation from their larynx to hit a specific note. This idea
has probably been suggested by many people, but Johan Sundberg in his
book, The Science of the Singing Voice, refers to this as
muscle or proprioceptive memory. This type of feedback would
help the trained singer hit or maintain a note in a situation where
there was a lot of other noise or
people singing other notes. Even though our work suggests
auditory feedback is most important, I am sure that singers learn to
make adjustments to their laryngeal muscles based on the
proprioceptive feedback from the larynx or other structures involved
in voice control.
wouldn't you think that any pitch memory in the motor systems of the
if it does exist, must have been mediated via the auditory system?
----- Original Message -----
From: Rebecca Mercuri <mercuri@gradient.cis.upenn.edu>
To: <nombraun@POST.NETLINK.SE>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 5:08
Subject: Re: AP in all of us? New
evidence from speech research
> In the days when there used to be
more "jingle" type ads on TV,
> if you asked a kid to sing the
commercial, they'd typically sing
> it on or very close to the original pitch the ad was in. I
> some years ago reading or hearing about a study where the
> acapella baseball songs (ones not prompted by the stadium
> were surveyed and folks around the US sang those at the same
> as well.
> My personal theory is that it's a physical memory -- song
> involves the muscles (or whatever they are) in the
> and there's probably some feedback that provides a form of
> memory as in "that feels like the comfortable singing pitch
> know for that song." Anyone
know of any work on that angle?
> Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D.
Chuck Larson
Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-2424
Fax: 847-467-2776
email: clarson@northwestern.edu