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Re: phoneme recognition and stimulus length
Dear Laszlo,
I dont know if this is what you are getting at, but have you looked at the
paper by Sadaoki Furui "On the role of spectral transitions for speech perception."
JASA, Oct. 1986, page 1016+
Tóth László wrote:
> Dear list,
> I wonder how human performance in phoneme recognition depends on the
> stimulus length. I'm thinking of an experiment something like "name the
> last phoneme you hear", and the length of the sound excerpt played would
> vary between, say, 10ms and a couple of seconds (with the end always fit
> to the end of a phoneme). Since I'm interested in
> the importancy of long-term adaptation, nonsense worlds should be used to
> exclude linguistic help. Does anyone know about such or similar
> experiments?
> P.S.: My special interest is whether information earlier than the "magic"
> 250ms is important, and how much (I would like to draw some conclusions
> for automatic speech recognition).
> Thanks,
> Laszlo Toth
> Hungarian Academy of Sciences * "Heavy Metal is the
> Research Group on Artificial Intelligence * QUINTessence of music"
> e-mail: tothl@inf.u-szeged.hu *
> http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~tothl * /Anonymous/
Jont B. Allen
AT&T Labs-Research, Shannon Laboratory, E161
180 Park Ave., Florham Park NJ, 07932-0971
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