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real-time information

Dear Eckard and others,

Eckard Blumschein wrote:

>Presumably, the signal is not simply transformed at all, but more
>data, i.e. more recent ones, are gradually preselected. Also, the whole

>signal is prepared for more robustness. In terms of information theory,

>cochlea might even be interpreted as an adapter to a slower sampled
>information channel with nonetheless larger capacity. The key
>element is a continuously distributed memory with permanent partial
>over the whole partition and also permanent gradual forgetting. Notice,
>am using terms like partition and renewal in common, not in

I agree with the general tone of your postings. I have expressed similar
sentiments in my original posting (analog delay line vs 'continuously
distributed memory'). However,  IMO, 'the signal is not simply
transformed at all' is not true. After all the cochlea does have
resonant structures and hence does some form of filtering  (which is
convolution with damped sinewaves, i.e. a  form of weighted Fourier
transform.)  I would like to fall into your third category.
