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Fw: Post Doc needed at Western
Subject: Post Doc needed at Western
> Postdoctoral Fellowship in Psycholinguistics & Computational Modeling
> We have funding for a two-year Postdoctoral Fellowship in my lab at the
> University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. The stipend is
> $32,500 per year plus $2,500 per year for travel. There are no citizenship
> restrictions.
> Our research focuses on the interrelated issues of noun meaning, verb
> meaning, and sentence processing. Central to this work is connectionist
> modeling of the computation of noun and verb meaning, as well as
> competition-integration modeling of on-line sentence reading times. Our
> research integrates theories and methodologies from a number of areas,
> including: word recognition, concepts and categorization, sentence
> processing, connectionist modeling, neuroscience, and patients with
> disorders. Thus, a PDF has the opportunity to participate in projects in a
> number of areas of Cognitive Science.
> Our department has seven Cognition faculty, all of whom conduct research
> related to language processing. Thus, our faculty and graduate students
> provide a rich research environment. I am also involved in a number of
> collaborations with researchers from other universities. My lab is
> well-equipped for both human experimentation and computational modeling.
> also has a 4T magnet that is used for research only.
> London is a pleasant city of approximately 350,000, and is located 2 hours
> from both Toronto and Detroit. Note that a reasonable apartment in London
> costs approximately $500 per month.
> For further information on our lab and Cognition at UWO, see:
> http://www.sscl.uwo.ca/psychology/cognitive/faculty.html
> If you are interested in this position, please contact Ken McRae.
> ***********************************************************
> Ken McRae
> Associate Professor
> Department of Psychology
> Social Science Centre
> University of Western Ontario
> London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5C2
> email: mcrae@uwo.ca
> http://www.sscl.uwo.ca/psychology/cognitive/mcrae/mcrae.html
> phone: (519) 661-2111 ext. 84688 fax: (519) 661-3961
> ***********************************************************
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> concerning this advertisement should be directed to the contact
> name identified in the advertisement.
> ====================================================