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art meets science
Reminder: as previously announced on these lists (sorry for any cross
postings), the deadline for submission of proposals to the ART MEETS
SCIENCE session at Toronto 2000, in which scientists and artists
collaborate to generate original insights in music theory and analysis,
is a few days away: 30 April 1999.
(The reason for the early deadline is another deadline: on the basis of
prposals we receive, the session organisers will compile a proposal for
the session as a whole, and submit it to SMT by the end of May.)
Details (as previously distributed) follow:
Toronto 2000: Musical Intersections. November 1-5, 2000
The conference will bring together the Society for Music Theory; the
American Musical Instrument Society; the American Musicological Society;
the Association for Technology in Music Instruction; the Canadian
Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres; the
Canadian Society for Traditional Music; the College Music Society; the
Canadian University Music Society; the Historic Brass Society; the
Canadian and U.S. chapters of the International Association for the
Study of Popular Music; the Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relationships;
the Society for Ethnomusicology; the Society for Music Perception; and
the Sonneck Society for American Music.
This email is a CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS for a joint session at Toronto
2000 of the Society for Music Theory (SMT) and the Society for Music
Perception and Cognition (SMPC) entitled
Collaboration between music theorists and music psychologists"
Session coordinators: Richard Parncutt and Steve Larson
The aim of the session is to generate original insights in music theory
and analysis through collaboration between scientists and artists. Each
paper in the session will have dual authorship, whereby one author is a
music theorist (or an academic whose primary qualifications and
publications are in the domain of the arts) and the other a music
psychologist (or an academic whose primary qualifications and
publications are in the domain of the natural sciences). Authors need
not be members of SMT or SMPC.
Proposals for contributions should include the following:
- title;
- authors' names, affiliations, contact details (address, email, tel,
- a 500-word abstract;
- and a 250-word resume of each author including relevant research
interests & findings.
Proposals should be emailed simultaneously to Richard Parncutt
<richard.parncutt@kfunigraz.ac.at> and Steve Larson
<steve@darkwing.uoregon.edu>. We will prepare a proposal for a joint
session on the basis of contributions received, following SMT guidelines
published at
Deadline for proposals: Friday, April 30, 1999.
Richard Parncutt, Associate Professor of Systematic Musicology
Department of Musicology, University of Graz
Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz, Austria
Tel: +43-316 380-2409; Fax: -9755
Email: richard.parncutt@kfunigraz.ac.at
Steve Larson, Associate Professor of Music
School of Music, University of Oregon
1225 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1225, USA
Tel: +1-541 346-5651; Fax: -0723
Email: steve@darkwing.uoregon.edu