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        * * * * *         MUSICCOG/99          * * * * *

                Ohio State University, May 14-16

The Ohio State University will hold its second annual MusicCog
workshop from Friday, May 14, through Sunday, May 16. The workshop
will take place on the campus of Ohio State in Columbus, Ohio.

The workshop features two and a half days of talks by invited
speakers. Guest lecturers include Nicholas Cook, Carol Krumhansl,
Dirk-Jan Povel, and Sandra Trehub.  Other talks will be given by
faculty at Ohio State.  The topics of the talks range from overviews
of subjects such as music and infancy, cognitive ethnomusicology, and
music and emotion, to reports of cutting-edge research in areas such
as in performance, key-finding, and melodic expectation. Each session
of talks will be followed by a panel discussion.

Further information about MusicCog/99, including a complete schedule
and travel and hotel information, can be found at the website