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Position available
I suggested to Lynne Marshall that the Auditory List might be a
reasonable place to post a notice regarding a postdoctoral position in her
laboratory. The notice appears below.
Walt Jesteadt Jesteadt@Boystown.Org
Director of Research
Boystown National Research Hospital
> GEO-CENTERS, INC. is looking for a doctoral-level scientist to conduct
> research on human hearing at the Naval Submarine Medical Research
> Laboratory in Groton, CT. The project focuses on the use of evoked
> otoacoustic emissions in hearing-conservation programs. The successful
> candidate will aid in the design of experiments, set up laboratory
> hardware and software, supervise research assistants, conduct statistical
> analyses, and present the research at scientific meetings and in
> publications.
> The successful candidate should hold a PhD in Experimental Psychology,
> Audiology, or Auditory Physiology, with strong technical and quantitative
> skills. A background in psychoacoustics with evidence of independent
> scholarly work is highly desired. Prior experience with otoacoustic
> emissions is not required. The salary range is from $33-$36K per year.
> GEO-CENTERS, INC. offers a competitive salary, generous benefits package
> and relocation assistance. To apply, send your resume to Ms. Cindy Pinell
> at NSMRL, Box 900 Subase NLON, Groton, CT, 06349-5900. GEO-CENTERS, INC.
> is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
> * Barbara Olmedo
> * Coordinator, Research Administration
> * Boys Town National Research Hospital
> * 555 N. 30th St., Omaha, NE 68131
> * 402-498-6715 (office) 402-498-6325 (fax)
> * olmedo@boystownrg (email)