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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

>From: "Schjelderup Olsholt" <olsholt@online.no>
>To: "Iver Ørstavik" <iver.orstavik@sum.uio.no>,
>        "Egil Anton Wyller" <egil.wyller@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft" <service@wbg-darmstadt.de>,
>        "Kristin Emilie Willumsen" <kriwill@stud.isv.uit.no>,
>        "Lars Wenaas" <lwenaas@toyen.uio.no>,
>        "Per Wauger" <per.wauger@login.eunet.no>,
>        "Ole Kristian Tornes" <tornesco@online.no>,
>        "Morten Thorkildsen" <morten.thorkildsen@samtidskunst.museum.no>,
>        "Karin Tan" <karin.tan@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Roald Sægrov" <rsaegrov@online.no>,
>        "Catherine Sutton" <SUTTONC@saturn.montclair.edu>,
>        "Torill Strand" <Torill.Strand@lu.hioslo.no>,
>        "Tore F. Steenslid" <tore.steenslid@stud.hivolda.no>,
>        "Arne Stavdahl" <as@norit.no>,
>        "Tore Skåtun" <Tore@MotiVisjon.no>,
>        "Basil Shaw" <basil.gunn@c2i.net>,
>        "Eli Kristin Seglen" <elis@ifi.uio.no>,
>        "Heiko Wilhelm Schulz" <h.w.schulz@ped.uio.no>,
>        "Harald Kristian Schjelderup" <h.k.schjelderup@filosofi-stud.uio.no>,
>        "Anne Schjelderup" <vardugg@online.no>,
>        "John Richard Sageng" <j.r.sageng@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Prinsdalsbråten"
>        "Hreinn Palsson" <hpal@islandia.is>,
>        "Turid Opsahl" <turid.opsahl@gyldendal.no>,
>        "Anne Oksrød" <amo1@online.no>,
>        "Anne Birgitta Nilsen" <a.b.nilsen@ilf.uio.no>,
>        "Ellen Nierenberg" <nierenbe@online.no>,
>        "momentum" <momentum@online.no>, "Mehrdad Moghaddas"
>        "Eric D. Miller" <edm@sprynet.com>,
>        "Sindre Mekjan" <sindre@infodata.no>,
>        "Manuel Malmierca" <msm@gugu.usal.es>,
>        "Leonid Levin" <leonid@nsabel.belpak.minsk.by>,
>        "Martine Lerstad" <thlersta@aft.sn.no>,
>        "Cathinka Lerstad" <984198@hsfstud.hisf.no>,
>        "Peter Kulle" <peter.kulle@mailbox.swipnet.se>,
>        "Thor Walter Kristensen" <thor.walter.kristensen@gyldendal.no>,
>        "Tom C. Koch" <Chiron@direct.a2000.nl>,
>        "Tore Hauk Jensen" <torehj@online.no>, "Ragni Indahl"
>        "Keyhan Ighanian" <ighanian@online.no>,
>        "Nina Frang Høyum" <nina.hoyum@teateribsen.no>,
>        "Bjørn Ivar Hubendick" <hubendick@online.no>,
>        "Anne Horn" <annehorn@online.no>, "Anders Holt" <aholt@c2i.net>,
>        "Kjell Jørgen Holbye" <holbye@online.no>,
>        "Trond Petter Hinrichsen" <trond.petter.hinrichsen@gyldendal.no>,
>        "Håvard Hellum" <hhellum@c2i.net>,
>        "Jan Helgesen" <jan.helgesen@tmc.no>,
>        "Ole Helbo" <olehelbo@post5.tele.dk>,
>        "Odd Rune Hegge" <orhegge@online.no>,
>        "Håkon Hauan" <hha@cba.no>,
>        "Sissel Hasle" <sishas30@vgs.pilot.akershus-f.kommune.no>,
>        "Elisabet Hanssen" <eh@mfs.museum.no>,
>        "Sepehr Habibi" <shabibi@online.no>,
>        "Torill E. Grung" <torillE.grung@nupi.no>,
>        "Camilla Grimnes" <cgrimnes@hepp.uio.no>,
>        "fps-medlemmer" <torfer@stud.ntnu.no>,
>        "Hallvard J. Fossheim" <h.j.fossheim@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Eyolfur Kjalgar Emilsson" <e.k.emilsson@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Beate Elvebakk" <beate.elvebakk@filosofi.uio.no>,
>        "Det filosofiske Selskap" <tsop@online.no>,
>        "Beate Børresen" <beate.borresen@lu.hioslo.no>,
>        "Steffen  Borge" <sborge@mailbox.syr.edu>,
>        "Lene Bomann Larsen" <lenebl@student.teologi.uio.no>,
>        "Morten Bergsmo" <bergsmo@bart.nl>,
>        "Shahla A. Bahrami" <bahrami@aa.telia.no>,
>        "Aase Austvoll" <aasesa@online.no>,
>        "Association for Bahai Studies" <stams@lbs.ac.uk>,
>        "Richard Anthone" <anthone@skynet.be>
>Subject: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
>Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 11:52:44 +0100
>X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
>X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights,  Amnesty International is collecting signatures for a pledge to
support this very important United Nations declaration. Amnesty already has
3 million signatures (real and virtual) worldwide, and wants 8 million
(which would be a significant proportion of the world's population of
around 6 billion). The UN Secretary General has already agreed to be
present either in person or live by satellite to receive the pledge as a
tangible statement of the people of the world's commitment to an
international agenda of human rights.
>The most simple way to add your name to the pledge is to
>* Send an email to <udhr50th@amnesty.org.au>
>* Put the following text in the message:
>"I support the rights and freedoms in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights for all people, everywhere and forever."
>* Forward this message to as many people as you can.
>Forwarded to you by:
>e-mail: olsholt@online.no
>address: Habberstad
>         2080 Eidsvoll
>         Norway
>Telephone: +47 63 95 18 57

Manuel  S. Malmierca, M.D., Ph.D.
Laboratory for the Neurobiology of Hearing
The Institute of Neuroscience of  'Castilla y Leon' (INCyL)
Faculty of Medicine. University of Salamanca
Campus 'Miguel de Unamuno'
37007 Salamanca - Spain

phone: 34 - 923 - 29 44 00, ext. 1861 or  --- 29 45 63
fax: 34 - 923 - 29 45 49
e-mail: msm@gugu.usal.es

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