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Sound Therapy: Fact vs. Hear say

Dear List

Are there any decent scientific studies validating the use of sound /
music for therapeutic purposes?

      My reading on this field (from over a dozen years ago)  yielded a
fuzzy picture with no clear methodology or norms.  Lots of
"trial-and-error" type situations abounded, where the focus was more on
presenting music as an auditory stimulus to calm / soothe/ excite/
whatever.  That type of scenario seems to me to be too subjective and
culture-bound to be really effective as a therapeutic tool that can be
taught and practised.

        I was consulted about this topic recently and went to the Net
for help on the latest stuff.  Seems like music therapy today is a
full-fledged field with "licensed practitioners" and the focus has also
shifted from pure listening  to include music-making and active
participation in sound-producing activities as a form of therapy.  This
makes more sense to me.

        However, many of the sites the search engines threw up had  some
rather "hair-raising", wild and whacky  stuff.    To wit:

" Hearing Loss and Sound Therapy

How Does Sound Therapy Help?

 Stimulating the cilia:   On the Sound Therapy tapes the low frequency
(low tone) sounds are progressively removed and the high frequencies are
augumented. Although quiet, the high frequency sounds are raised in
pitch until the only sounds heard are between 8,000 Hz and 16,000 Hz.
These high frequency sounds stimulate the cilia (the fine, hair - like
sensory cells in the inner ear). Where the cilia have been flattened by
too much noise the high frequency sound stimulates them to return to
their upright position. This restores the person's hearing in high

The electronic ear used in the recording of Sound Therapy challenges the
ear with constantly alternating sounds of high and low tone. At the same
time, low frequency sounds are progressively removed from the music so
the ear is introduced to higher and higher frequencies. The result is a
complete rehabilitation of the ear, improving the tone and
responsiveness of the middle ear muscles. Once the ear is able to
recognize and admit high frequency sounds to the inner ear, this creates
the opportunity for the sensory cells in the inner ear to be stimulated
and restored to their upright, receptive position.

(from   http://www.intouchmag.com/sound ) "

Have you heard anything Cilia ?
Makes your hair stand on end !!

Anyway, --- I would really appreciate it if anybody on the list has any
personal experiences or insights to share on the topic of sound / music

--- Pun ita

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