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Help with MIDI

Dear colleagues,
I am trying to built an experimental lab with little (actually no)
technical assistance, which is where I hope you may be able to help.

I would like to set up an array of 8 speakers in order to do some sound
localisation experiments.  My problem is how to send sounds from my
computer (Mac, or PC if pushed) to each one of the 8 speakers at
predetermined times.

At present, I use an Audiomedia II card with Synthesiser and/or
Hypercard/Supercard to present sounds from my Apple Mac Quadra.

Could this be done using MIDI or something else? or would I physically
have to build a manual switching box (a simple but inelegant solution)

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Many thanks
Kevin L. Baker                       tel: +44 116 257 7761
Senior Lecturer in Psychology                     +44 116 251 5151
Dept. Human Communication,           fax: +44 116 257 7708
De Montfort University,              URL: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/~klb/
Scraptoft Campus,
Leciester,  LE7 9SU, U.K.