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Re: Group power
Jont Allen writes:
> Many of us need bibliographic data bases for writing papers. I propose that
> topic), etc. We could standardize the format, and then provide shell or
> cgi scripts to convert the database into your preferred format (e.g. Bibtex,
> MSword, Framemaker whatever, etc.). Then when you are writing a paper and
> What do you think?
The issues as I see them are this:
1. Who sinks all the hours into collecting and typing in data the first
2. Who makes periodic updates
3. Who writes the scripts/cgi programs, and who is willing to update
them with changes in technology, and new bibliograhic format requests
4. Who can maintain the site for a long time
5. ...and who is at a company/university that can supply the web server
6. If all the above effort is worthwhile since perhaps something better
will be available in a few years (e.g. if all journals go online and
provide helpful subject keys)
Sounds like a job that is too big for anyone to do in their spare time,
in the sprit of internet altruism.
Gregory J. Sandell, Research Associate, sandell@sparky.parmly.luc.edu
Parmly Hearing Institute, Loyola University Chicago
6525 N. Sheridan Chicago IL 60626 USA voice:773-508-3976 FAX:773-508-2719
WWW: http://www.parmly.luc.edu/sandell/