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CNBH + Jobs
We would like to announce:
1. The establishment of a new Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing, and
2. The availability of two Post Doctoral postions at the Centre.
The Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing is a new joint venture of the
Physiology Department of Cambridge University, the U.K. Medical Research
Council, and the Psychology Department of Essex University, in collaboration
with the Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, University College,
The principals are:
Roy Patterson, Physiology Department, Cambridge University
Ian Winter, Physiology Department, Cambridge University
Ray Meddis, Psychology Department, Essex University
Lowel O'Mard, Psychology Department, Essex University
Tim Griffiths, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, UC, London
There will also be two or three European post doctoral fellows doing research at
the CNBH over the next few years.
The location of the CNBH in Cambridge is on the top floor of the Physiology
Department Building, on the Downing Site of the University. The location of the
Essex University is the Psychology Department, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester.
Our research will focus on the hypothesis that the initial stages of auditory
processing are largely concerned with converting incoming sound into an auditory
image which subsequently serves as the basis for more central processes like
stream segregation and source identification. The construction of the auditory
image is intimately involved with auditory temporal integration and we believe
that the process is largely responsible for figure/ground separation in hearing.
The purpose of the CNBH is to pursue this approach to hearing through a
combination of physiological experiments and single-cell modelling at the micro
level, and perceptual experiments with functional modelling and brain imaging at
the macro level.
There is a new web page for the CNBH which briefly describes our past research
as individuals and our current joint research as the CNBH.
The CNBH is supported by a programme grant from the Medical Research Council.
There are two post doctoral posts available on the grant at the Cambridge site
of the CNBH. Applicants should have a PhD in hearing research of one form or
another and, preferably, some experience in post doctoral research.
The starting salary is in the range of 15159 - 16927 Pounds Stirling.
Successful applicants would be expected to undertake research on temporal
aspects of auditory perception and its relationship to the physiology of the
auditory pathway from the cochlea to auditory cortex. Topics of particular
interest are the perception and physiology of temporal integration, temporal
asymmetry, and temporal fine-structure (phase-locking).
The posts have a duration of three years with the potential for extension
provided the Programme Grant is renewed. The earliest starting date for the
posts is 1 October 1997 and we would hope to have both people in post by 1
Jaunary 1998.
The University of Cambridge is an equal opportunities employer.
Interested candidates should send a vita and a brief summary of past research
and current research interests to
Roy Patterson
Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing,
Physiology Department, University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG, U.K.
Email submission is acceptable and should be sent to
The closing date for applications is the 15 August 1997.
For further information concerning the terms and conditions of emplyment at
the University, contact Ms. F. Duncan, the administrator of the Physiology
Department, at the address above, or ring her on +44 1223 333826.
You might also like to know that there is a new release of the Auditory Image
Model (AIMR8.2) which is described on the AIM web page.
Alternately you can pick it up by ftp from
You can read about AIM R8 on our web page, and pick up the sources there,
or pick up the source code and documentation by annonymous ftp from
ftp.mrc-apu.cam.ac.uk directory pub/aim
The ReadMe.First file explains how to compile AIM and how to get started.
Roy D. Patterson
Until 30 September 1997
MRC Applied Psychology Unit,
15 Chaucer Rd, Cambridge, CB2 2EF, UK
phone: 44 (1223) 355294 ext 150
fax: 44 (1223) 359062
e-mail: roy.patterson@mrc-apu.cam.ac.uk
From From 1 October 1997
Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing,
Physiology Department, University of Cambridge,
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EG, U.K.
tel: +44 (0)1223 333837 || fax : +44 (0)1223 333840
email: roy.patterson@mrc-apu.cam.ac.uk