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Workshops in Italy

!  Announcement from AIMI (Associazione di Informatica Musicale
Italiana)  !

AIMI has the pleasure to announce the following two Workshops on
research topics in computer music:
the "Workshop on Tools for Computer Music Composition and


the "Workshop on Kansei - The Technology of Emotion".

The former will be held in Pisa on 21-22 September 1997 (just before

the latter will be held in Genova on 3-4 October (just after ICMC).

This way, ICMC attendees interested in the special topics faced in
Workshops will have the opportunity to schedule their trip to attend
also one or both the Workshops, according to their interests.

The calls for contributions for both Workshops are enclosed to this
We do hope that these two events will result in relevant contributes
to the field.

Further, these events are a step toward the

        "XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics",
the official bi-annual AIMI conference, which will be held on late
1998.  More information will be soon available.

Please look in the next weeks at the AIMI web site

for updated information.

On fall, weather is warm in Italy.

Pisa, the town of the Leaning Tower and were Galileo lived, has a
centuries old university; it is very close to Florence and other
medieval cities such as Lucca and Siena.
Genova is an ancient city with many historical, cultural, and natural
attractions. It is the city with the widest historical centre in
Europe. Turistic attractions include the ancient harbour, buildings,
museums and promenades. Genova lies in the hearth of the beautiful
Ligure coast (north-west of Italy), which includes nice towns like
Camogli, Cinque Terre, Sanremo, etc., all reachable in about half an
hour by
car or train. On early October it is usually still possible to swim.

We look forward to meet you in Pisa and Genova next fall!

Antonio Camurri, President
AIMI - Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana

=================== =================== ===================

! WORKSHOP on Tools for Computer Music Composition and Performance !

21-22 september 1997  - Pisa, Italy
Teatro G.Verdi Opera House, Pisa

Organized by the
Computer Music Lab of CNUCE/C.N.R.

in collaboration with
Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Pisa
TESECO per l'Arte, Pisa
AIMI, Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana


The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for the

of  state-of-the-art tools (languages, synthesis and signal
methods, hardware) for composing and performing computer music after
three decades of strong world-wide activity.
What has been proposed and provided so far? What do users, i.e. the
composers and the performers, actually appreciate or not need, and/or
would like to get as improved tools from the new generation of
Currently it is possible to get real-time signal processing from a
personal computer with no additional hardware; and computer
in terms of speed and storage capabilities, is increasing at a fast
Is it possible to think about a standard for the new generation of
computers and man-machine interfaces? Is it possible to focus our
attention on precise guidelines for developing (if not a language) at
least a common platform for musical applications? Is it possible to
together the experiences and efforts of many researchers from all
the world toward a standardized TOOL for computer music?

Papers should cover the following three main categories:

1) Languages and compositional approaches

2) Synthesis and signal processing methodologies

3) Hardware: host computer, additional hardware, gesture interfaces

and should report experiences made using standard and/or original
for composing and performing computer music.

MUSICIANS are welcome and encouraged to report their experiences.

A number of authors selected by the committee will be asked to submit
revised version of their papers for a SPECIAL ISSUE  of


Structure of the workshop

For each category there will be a session of two parts:
- part one, papers presentation


- part two, panel

1st session will be on Languages............afternoon  21 sept.
2nd session will be on Signal processing... morning    22 sept.
3rd session will be on Hardware.............afternoon  22 sept.

Partecipants are strongly encouraged to prepare their presentation as
hypertextual document; however, traditional overhead, slide and video
projector will be also available.
In the evening of first day (sept. 21) an open-air party will take
in the wonderfull garden of TESECO, with tape and interactive
music. Partecipants will be asked to contribute to the event with
compositions: details about this evening event will be given together
with the notification of acceptance.
A restricted informal event will be organized for those who will
on the evening of second day, september 22.

Organization Committee:
Staff of the Computer Music Lab, CNUCE/C.N.R, Pisa

Papers Review Committee:

Antonio Camurri        DIST-University of Genoa, Italy
Peppino Di Giugno      Naples, Italy
Michelangelo Lupone    Conservatory of L'Aquila, Italy
Leonello Tarabella     CNUCE/C.N.R., Pisa, Italy
Francois Dechelle      IRCAM, Paris, France
Johan Sundberg         KTH - University of Stockholm, Sweden
Marc Leman             IPEM-University of Ghent, Belgium
Michael Waisvicz       STEIM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Adolfo Nunes           Lab. de Informatica y Electronica Musical

                       (CDMC), Madrid, Spain
Roger Dannenberg       Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Robert Rowe            New York University, USA
Carla Scaletti         Symbolic Sound Corp., Champaign, IL, USA
Stephen T. Pope        University of California, S.Barbara, USA
Miller Puckette        University of California, San Diego, USA

Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline:     15  May   1997
Reviews back to authors:       15  June  1997
Final papers due:              15  July  1997

Submission procedure   (email to:   music@cnuce.cnr.it)
Papers  should be  in  English and prepared as long abstract no
than 4 pages or as full paper no longer than 10 pages following the
usual format:

Title, Author(s) and Affiliation, Category (languages - signal
processing - hardware), Abstract, Intro, ..paragraphs.., Conclusion,
Acknowledgements, References.

Please, prepare your paper as electronic document preferably with
Word5 (or 6) for PC or MAC (or PLAIN ASCII TEXT)  and send it  via
Email to:  Leonello Tarabella,  music@cnuce.cnr.it

Full address:
Computer Music Lab of CNUCE/C.N.R., Pisa

via S.Maria, 36 - 56126 Pisa, Italy
Tel.+ 39-50-593276   Fax  904052
e.mail: L.Tarabella@cnuce.cnr.it  or  music@cnuce.cnr.it

=================== =================== ===================
!    KANSEI - The Technology of Emotion
!    AIMI International Workshop

Genova, 3-4 October 1997
Auditorium Teatro dell'Opera di Genova "Carlo Felice"

Organized by
- AIMI - Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana
- Laboratory of Musical Informatics at DIST - Dept. of Computer

  Faculty of Engineering, University of Genova
- Teatro Comunale dell'Opera Carlo Felice, Genova

The term "Kansei" refers in the Japanese culture to emotion,

sensibility, art, music as a whole.
The modeling of "emotional states" in computer artifacts is
an emerging issue faced by a growing number of researchers in several
disciplines. It is expected that it will produce a significant

in a number of disciplines and applications like computer music,

games and entertainment, multimodal interfaces in multimedia systems,
Research on "technology of emotion" is crucial in music. On the one
music is an ideal domain for experimenting and testing

computer implementation of cognitive and AI models of emotion.
On the other hand, such models may contribute to a better
understanding of
music tasks and to improve models of music cognition and perception.
Moreover, "emotion technology" is relevant in interactive
which deal with the problem of extending music languages by action,
body gesture, dance, visual media, effectors on stage
(e.g., physical agents interacting with performers).
In such envornments, the stage is populated by agents observing the
performers and dancers, communicating by means of music, visual
on-stage semi-autonomous navigation of small robotic actors. Such
may embed both a rational and an emotional component.
This scenario can be viewed as an evolution of "live electronics",
the director of the performance delegates the control on some
"potentiometers" to the human or machine agents on stage.
Models of emotion can intervene in modeling such control and
communication mechanisms, as well as the behaviour of the agents.

The Workshop aims at presenting the state-of-the-art research and
future directions.

Main topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- emotional communication in new instruments and interfaces

- adaptive hyper-instruments
- modeling of emotion, sensibility and sensual intelligence
- understanding musical emotions
- agent models integrating rational and emotional components
- relations between music and gesture languages
- on-stage real-time multimodal environments
- interactive dance/music systems: dance interpretation and
  with music languages
- adaptive listening
- modeling expressive performance

Structure of the workshop

The workshop is structured in three main events: (i) scientific

including presentations of research and systems with videos and live
(ii) a round table on the impact of such new approaches and
in the music field; (iii) a demonstration/concert in the evening of
October 3,
where a number of short Studios will be presented. The goal is not to
finished pieces of music, but to present examples on the various
problems of extending music languages in the directions previously
In this event, the systems developed at the Laboratorio di

Musicale DIST in the framework of the three-year Project MIAMI
(Multimodal Interaction for Advanced Multimedia Interfaces) funded by

Commission of the European Community will be utilised.

See the web site http://musart.dist.unige.it for more details.

A number of authors selected by the committee will be asked to submit
revised version of their paper for a special issue of the JOURNAL OF

Scientific Committee
Antonio Camurri, DIST-University of Genova
Giovanni De Poli, CSC-DEI-University of Padova
Shuji Hashimoto, Waseda University, Tokyo
Marc Leman, IPEM-University of Gent
Doug Riecken, Bell Laboratories Research
Alvise Vidolin, Conservatory of Venezia

Organizing Committee
Staff of the Laboratory of Musical informatics at DIST - Univeristy
of Genova.

Important dates
May 15, 1997: extended abstracts (3 pages)
June 15, 1997: notification of acceptance
August 15, 1997: final papers.

Please send extended abstracts by e-mail (plain ASCII text files) to
Antonio Camurri, music@dist.unige.it

Full address:

DIST - University of Genova
Laboratory of Musical Informatics (http://musart.dist.unige.it)
Viale Causa 13
I-16145 Genova ITALY
Tel. +39-10-3532988
fax +39-10-3532948
