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"Eternal Machine I" EM I
Dear "Digidesign Products Specialist",
we are proud to announce the new "Eternal Machine" EM I which is available now
in Version 1.1 !
EM I is a Sound Designer II Plug-In which works on the ProTools (442 Card) and
ProTools III Hardware. It also works on Session 8 (Mac) and Audiomedia II with
reduced performance (see below).
Plug-In Interface [Image]
* Dynamic time compression/expansion (factor 0.01-100 !)
anywhere within the soundfile with optimized "Phase Vocoder "- algorithm
* Dynamic filtering (morphing) with up to 100 arbitrary filtercurves
anywhere within the soundfile and up to 2048 filterbands
* Dynamic pitchshift from -36 up to +48 semitones with cents resolution
anywhere within the soundfile
* Graphical editing of all parameters with intuitive "rubberband envelopes"
* 100 free selectable points in each window
* Adjustable filter resolution and FFT-size
* Arbitrary scaling for all parameters
* 50 ready-to-use presets for different applications :
time- and pitchvarying sample processing with dynamic filtering
dynamic notch-, comb-, Surface- formant-, 1/3 octave filter etc.
morphing, subharmonic enhancer, inverse filtering, doppler effects,
vibrato, chorus, dynamic denoising ....
* Graphical Overview in Time- and Pitch-Window with Zoom and Scroll
allows easy finding of relevant points
* Playback from the selected point in the Time- and Pitch-Window
for exact matching of points.
* Display of the Spectrum of the selected time-point with Zoom and Scroll
for very detailed filtering applications
An Order Form is appended to this message!
EM I is a totally new and unique approach for "Sounddesign over time".
All parameters (time, spectrum, pitch) can be changed dynamically at arbitrary
time- and frequency-points inside the signal. Between these points the values
are interpolated.
All calculations in EM I are done on the ProTools DSPs (also one DSP-Farm is
used in the PT III Version). Because of the massive amount of calculations in
the implemented algorithms EM I is a non-realtime Plug-In. It is the first time
that SDII users have access to audio-manipulation algorithms which were
formerly only available in the science- and resarch-domain.
Example applications:
* First real 3D-Editor in time, frequency and pitch (this is also a very
valuable analysis tool ! )
* "Scratching" between +48 and -36 Semitones with original tempo / beat
(Techno, Sounddesign)
* Extreme Filtering between +30dB and -60dB with a minimum bandwidth of 10
Hz and 2048 Filters (Techno, Soundesign, "Finetuning" of mixes, direct
manipulation of (sub)harmonics, dynamic de- hum(noise), Formant-filters,
drastic EQ-changes in film/video-cuts, "morphing" ...)
* Selecting all frequencies makes it possible to generate dynamic fades in
Sound Designer II (solves the problem of "hard cuts" after using for
example DINR
* Dynamic time-manipulation ( "fit to time", "lip sync" -> direct
stretching / compression of the formants in speech - keep the consonants
untouched, extreme stretching (until 100 ! times) of short parts inside
words or music without the looping artefacts from other algorithms
* Correct spectral simulation of dynamic changing audiosignals (i.e.
simulation of the doppler-shift)
* "Pitch Correction", ( finetuning of pitch over time, transposition of a
signal over a long period, manipulation of the harmonic structure at well
defined timepoints ...)
For more examples see "Setting-Files" below.
Setting Files:
Just to give you an idea...
* "Scratch it" 60p. weired scratch with 60 points (use in pitch window)
* 1/3 Oct. Filter (2048 Filters) works best with 2048 Filters
* Same Distance sets 10 points with equal distance
* 32 Harmonics 32 Harmonics based on 215 Hz
* 32 Harmonics-morph move them up in time and frequency (morph) by accident
by accident (morph)
* Chorus slight detune for one channel (use in pitch window)
* Doppler 3sec 50km/h Doppler-shift with dynamic filtering (morph)
* Dyn. DeHum 12Harm. (2048) Dynamic Dehum of 50Hz +12 harmonics (morph)
* Sliding Filter ->4000Hz Sliding up a "filter-rectangle" (morph)
* Steps 1 Octave down Go down in semitone-steps
* Steps 1 Octave up Go up in semitone-steps
* Steps 2 Octave down Go down in steps
* TAPEEFFECT->down Simulate tape slow down (morph)
* TAPEEFFECT->up Simulate tape speed up (morph)
* Tom & Jerry Tom hunts Jerry (morph)
* Voice->BassSusi26 Use voice, get bass out of it (morph)
* Pitch -1 Octave static Transpose one octave down static
* Pitchomat Dynamic growing Pitch-sfift
* Get started Use 10sec of sound, get your engine started (morph)
* AEIOU-Morph "Talking noise" (morph) -> use with NOISE
* femaleA German formant A -> use with NOISE
* femaleE German formant E -> use with NOISE
* femaleI German formant I -> use with NOISE
* femaleO German formant O -> use with NOISE
* femaleU German formant U -> use with NOISE
* maleA German formant A -> use with NOISE
* maleE German formant E -> use with NOISE
* maleI German formant I -> use with NOISE
* maleO German formant O -> use with NOISE
* maleU German formant U -> use with NOISE
* 100 Points (equal distance) 100 points with equal distance
* 100 Points (1/2 equal distance) 100 points with asymmetrical position
* 100 Spec - Points 100 points for better freqency resolution
* Maximum Points =10100 100x100+100 Points (morph)
More Information:
- EM I will not run with SD 2.5.
- When using SDII Version 2.6 the redraw of the process-bar and the window
itself is terrible and always looks like a crashed EM I. As this is a problem
of SDII 2.6 we cannot change this "bug".
- If you are using less than 128 Filterbands, the calculated time differs a few
milliseconds from the written soundfile while having high stretch- or
pitch-factors. This is caused by the implemented algorithm, but shouldn't be a
real problem in these cases.
- For best usage 256 colors are recommended.
- Never write-protect the Plugin itself, because important informations are
stored inside it while working.
- Because of the nice feature of writing new soundfiles your hard disk gets
filled up very quickly. Watch out !
The "Eternal Machine" EM I Version 1.0 by APB Tools was released at the
"Musikmesse Frankfurt" in march 1995.
Because of the new ProTools III hardware we had to delay the release of EM I,
but now we can offer the SDII-Plugin for Audiomedia II, ProTools and ProTools
III (with improved performance !).
Actually EM I is not running with TDM on ProTools III, but the SDII-version
uses one DSP-Farm for calculations (although the Nubus is a bottleneck, but
things will change...).
For a later version we are planning to bring EM I to TDM.
A lot of improvements have been implented since the first demonstration of EM I
in November 1994.
If you don t have any information about it yet, please contact us :
FAX/PHONE: +49 (0)30 3913507
APB Tools
Landgrafenstrasse 9
10787 Berlin, Germany
Send to:
D-10787 Berlin
FAX: +49 30 3913507
Please send me __ copies of the Eternal Machine EM I Version 1.1,
Price per copy: DM 895,-
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