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job opening

From: Jan van Santen <jphvs@ipr.research.att.com>
To: jba@mirasol.research.att.com

JOB OPENING: for someone to work in the text-to-speech synthesis group
at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, for a two-year
period [with a possibility of becoming permanent]. Must be able to start
before October 1.

KEY RESPONSIBILITY: build a very high-accuracy automatic speech segmentor,
based on phonetic principles and using various types of statistical tools
[including standard speech recognition algorithms as well as multivariate
statistical methods, e.g., discriminant analysis.]

In addition to this narrowly focused -- but enormously challenging --
project, we would also expect this person to contribute to related areas,
such as automatic prosodic labeling and concatenative unit generation.

These projects require knowledge of phonetics, signal processing,
and statistics; C programming skills are vital.

Salary would be about $50,000 per year, with health benefits.

CONTACT: Jan P. H. van Santen via email at jphvs@research.att.com.



Jan P. H. van Santen            Tel: 908-582-2551
Room 2D-452                     Fax: 908-582-3306
AT&T Bell Laboratories          Email: jphvs@research.att.com
600 Mountain Avenue             Information Principles Research /
Murray Hill NJ 07974-0636          Linguistics Research Department