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Research positions available
December 5, 1994
Dear Colleagues,
I plan to take one or two graduate students for the fall of
1995. If you know of any good ones who would be interested
in working with me on the perceptual organization of sound, it is
not too late for them to begin McGill's application process.
They should email me, giving their mailing address, and I will
make sure that an application form is sent to them. The deadline
for the completed application and 3 letters of recommendation is
in early February. The student should have taken the Graduate
Record Examination.
I may also have funding for a postdoctoral fellow who has
a strong background in auditory perception. Interested parties
should send me a letter and a CV by email.
- Al
Albert S. Bregman, Professor, Psychology Dept., McGill
University, 1205 Docteur Penfield Avenue, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1. Email: in09@musicB.mcgill.ca
Telephone +1 (514) 398-6103; Fax +1 (514) 398-4896