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Re: Mac/MIDI interfaces for research purposes

Dear Petr,

I found this through the WWW list of usenet FAQ's.  Some of the sites
listed have ftp-able MIDI documentation.

Hope you find it helpful.


Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4
Archive-name: music/midi/archives

Version: $Id: archives,v 1.66 1994/06/23 14:03:02 piet Exp $

Note: the latest version of this file is available from the ftp.cs.ruu.nl
archive as MIDI/DOC/archives (see below how to access the archive) and
on the various news.answers archives. This archive also contains a lot of
midi music and programs.

A large collection of midifiles can be found on wuarchive.wustl.edu, in
/systems/ibmpc/ultrasound/sound/midi/files. Some of these files are
specific for the Gravis Ultrasound card but most are also usable for other

There is an FTP archive at ucsd.edu [] . It contains a.o. MIDI
files, patches and a few programs. See the directory 'midi'.

Also one at media-lab.media.mit.edu [] (directory 'music/midi')

atari.archive.umich.edu [] contains Atari stuff in directory

scam.berkeley.edu [] contains netjam submissions on midifiles
in directory '/misc/netjam/submissions/'.

louie.udel.edu [] has patches, samples, sequences and software
in 'pub/midi/'.

Sites for MIDI Sample Dump Standard programs and samples:
alf.uib.no [], directory /pub/sds
sweaty.palm.cri.nz [], directory sds

wagner.musicnet.ua.edu [] is a site that just started to
collect music stuff. It has patches for Roland JV-80/880/1000 in directory
/pub/music/Patches/JV80. It also contains Macintosh specific stuff, a.o. a
demo of Symbolic Composer.

ftp.reed.edu [] has EPS-16+ samples in /eps/samples. A list is
in /eps/docs/samples/sample.index.txt. More EPS info is in
/eps/docs/. There are some programs for the EPS in /eps/utils (Atari ST and
MSDOS). See /eps/docs/utils for info.

Two ftp sites for the Kurzweil K2000:
  1) ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/music/lists/kurzweil  (maintained by jbuckman@aas.org)
  2) cs.utk.edu:/pub/martin/K2000           (maintained by martin@cs.utk.edu)

qiclab.scn.rain.com in /pub/music contains various conversion programs.

Roland Samplers:
There is an FTP archive that includes introductory information, useful
utilities (read Roland disks on your computer), archives of the mailing
list, and some samples.  The archive is on lotus.UWaterloo.ca in the
pub/sgroup directory.

There also is a ftp-site with TX16W samples, maintained by one of
the TX16W list-members.  FTP to ftp-ls7.informatik.uni-dortmund.de, the
samples are in the directory "pub/tx16w/samples". There are also back
issues of the TX-16W newsletter in pub/tx16w/mail.

Archives of the Music-Research Digest can be found at
cattell.psych.upenn.edu [12128.91.2.173] in directory pub/Music.Research

impaqt1.mem.drexel.edu [] has a couple of msdos files in

There is an EMAX (I and II) FTP site at sweaty.palm.cri.nz (
some samples, FAQ, archives of mailing list and some software to allow
sample interchange for PC compatibles

Cakewalk files can be found at nic.funet.fi [] in
'pub/msdos/sound/cakewalk' and also on ucsd.edu (see above).

There are several MIDI programs for MS Windows in

OS/2 programs can be found on  ftp-os2.cdrom.com [].  Directories
/pub/os2/2_x/mmedia and /pub/os2/2_1/mmedia contain the bulk of the
MIDI-related files for OS/2.  (There is a specific ftp site for OS/2
multimedia in the formative stages right now, but it is not yet in
operation.)  For a full index of OS/2 files at that site, retrieve
/pub/os2/00index.txt.  Submissions may be placed in /pub/os2/incoming.

castrovalva.gsfc.nasa.gov [] contains some Macintosh stuff
and the EMUSIC-L mailing list archives.  mac.archive.umich.edu
[] has a midi archive in mac/sound/midi

Other Macintosh sites: See the file Mac-archives in this directory.

An FTP site for predominantly D-70-related files: /pub/D70 on

ftp.ecn.nl:/pub/RP-1: DIGITECH RP-1 MIDI guitar effect pedals and some
other midi stuff.

Apple 2 MIDI Synth archives can be found on cco.caltech.edu []
in the pub/apple2/music/synthlab/ directory. They are mirrored on
grind.isca.uiowa.edu []

Amiga users can get some things by mail from mrcserv@janus.mtroyal.ab.ca
(send a HELP message first)

For amiga see also the aminet sites:


There is a listserv containing e-music related stuff at American
Send a message to listserv@auvm.bitnet containing the line:
get emusic filelist

We are opening an anonymous ftp site, ftp.ircam.fr.  Since we are connected
to the Internet via a 9600b line, please try to do your bulk transfers between
10pm MET and 8 am MET as a courtesy to our users.  Please use, don't abuse!
(amongst others:)
  music/        Computer music software and info
    archives/   List of directories of some well-known comp music ftp sites
    databases/  Music databases
    doc/        Documentation
      FAQ/      FAQ about audio, dsp, etc...
      MIDI/     MIDI standard definition
    papers/     Papers on music
      OMR/      Bibliographies in Optical Music Recognition
    programs/   Repository of public domain computer music programs
Computer Music Journal Internet Archive and World-Wide Web Home Page:

mitpress.mit.edu:/pub/Computer-Music-Journal and

Tables of contents, abstracts, and editor's notes of several volumes of

World-Wide Web (WWW) home page in the file CMJ.html (e.g. URL
ftp.mcc.ac.uk   /pub/cubase     Cubase archive. Contains Atari, Mac and
                                MSWindows demos
ftp.waldorf-gmbh.de: A site with information, patches etc. of Waldorf
products, contains also a lot of other Midi stuff. Also reachable by email
to archive-server@waldorf-gmbh.de (send a HELP message). See also mailing
list section below.
/wasp.eng.ufl.edu:/pub/msdos/demos/music/ contains several music files,
demos etc. (not only MIDI, but also MODs etc).
You'll find some NoiseTracker/SoundTracker MOD files, and Soundblaster
things on the following FTP sites:

        Garbo.Uwasa.fi          /pc/sb and /pc/music
        nic.funet.fi            /pub/amiga/audio
        ux1.cso.uiuc.edu        /amiga/mirror/mods
        ftp.brad.ac.uk          /misc/mods      /incoming/mods
        ftp.uni-kl.de           /pub/amiga/mods
The demo version of QSEQ, a complete sequencer for MSDOS/SoundBlaster,
is available by email automatic server. Just send a message to
qseqmail@hostsit.cad.cea.fr with the following line in the body of the
sendqseqto <your-complete-email-address>
sendhelpto <your-complete-email-address> , if you just want an help
file about the mailer and QSEQ.
QSEQ is also available on SIMTEL mirrors (oak.oakland.edu, etc...).
And from ftp.cs.ruu.nl:/pub/MIDI/PROGRAMS/MSDOS.

NOTE: The adresses mentioned are those where you can subscribe or get info
about the list. The lists themselves usually have the name without the
-request if that part is present, or LISTNAME@HOST if the command to

Alesis Quadraverb       qv-interest-request@swap.eng.sun.com
Algorithmic composition majordom@heinous.isca.uiowa.edu
                                message: subscribe ALGO-COMP
Alternate Tunings       LISTPROC@VARESE.MILLS.EDU
                                message: A blank line followed by:
                                         SUBSCRIBE TUNING <Your Name>
                        (Greg Higgs at higgs@mills.edu)
Analogue Heaven         analogue-request@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Cakewalk                LISTSERV@LISTS.COLORADO.EDU
                                message: SUBS CAKEWALK <your full name>
Cubase                  cubase-users-request@mcc.ac.uk
 guitar effect pedals   RP-1-L@ECN.NL, bernards@ecn.nl (Marcel Bernards)
DX-7                    xeno@iastate.edu  (Gary L Snethen)
EMU Emax                emax-request@foobar.hpl.hp.com
K2000                   LISTSERV@jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu
                            message: SUBSCRIBE K2000 Your Full Name
Korg 01/W               korg-admin@apicc.dseg.ti.com (Bill Huston)
netjam                  netjam-request@xcf.berkeley.edu
                            with Subject: request for info
Notator (EMagic's)      Fokke de Boer <Fokke.de.Boer@rivm.nl>
Ensoniq VFX             vfx-request@digibd.com
EPS                     eps-request@reed.edu
Roland Samplers         sgroup-request@lotus.UWaterloo.ca
Roland D-70             cyamamot@kilroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Clifford Yamamoto)
Roland JV-80/880        jv80-request@burner.com
                                message: #SUBSCRIBE
                                         <Your e-mail address>
Roland U20/U220         phantom@nwu.edu (James Choi)
Sound Blaster progr.    listserv@porter.geo.brown.edu
                            message: subscribe blaster Your Full Name
TX16W                   majordomo@lists.eunet.fi
                            message: subscribe tx16w Your Full Name
Yamaha SY               sy-request@chorus.fr
(Discussions on             message: SUBS EMUSIC-L Your Full Name
electronic Music)       Digest form: SUBS EMUSIC-D Your Full Name
                            message: SUBS SYNTH-L Your Full Name
SQ-x/KS-32              ks32-request@cygnus.com
Waldorf (+other) users  user-forum-request@waldorf-gmbh.de
                                Subject: subscribe
Wavestation             listserver@otax.tky.hut.fi
                            message: SUBSCRIBE WAVESTATION Your Full Name
                            message: SUBSCRIBE WIML-L Your Full Name
NOTE: I am setting up a midi archive on our machine, so if you have info
about PD stuff (programs and midifiles) please share with me. And if you
want to share some of your own things that will be appreciated.
The archive is available with ftp from ftp.cs.ruu.nl [],
directory MIDI. Also by a mail-server - send mail to mail-server@cs.ruu.nl
with the following contents:
PATH <a valid mail address to you>
Note: specify a correct address (e.g. user@host.univ.edu or user@host.BITNET)
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806   Uucp:   uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
Telefax:   +31 30 513791   Internet:  piet@cs.ruu.nl   (*`Pete')