Index for 5aSC
ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996
5aSC1. Voice effects in implicit memory tasks.
5aSC2. Possible word boundary constraints on multiple activation of form-based representations of spoken words.
5aSC3. The segmental representation of words as revealed by priming in a lexical decision and naming task.
5aSC4. Building lexical neighborhoods.
5aSC5. The neighborhood characteristics of malapropisms.
5aSC6. The effect of talker rate and amplitude variation on memory representation of spoken words.
5aSC7. Implicit memory for silent-center syllables: Effects of talker, token, and delay.
5aSC8. Perceiving the sex and identity of a sine-wave talker.
5aSC9. Talker variability effects on spoken word recall: Encoding or rehearsal?
5aSC10. Learning voices.
5aSC11. The effects of multiple-talker stimuli on immediate memory span.
5aSC12. Perceptual compensation for vowel undershoot may be explained by general perceptual principles.
5aSC13. Identification of vowels based on visual cues within raw complex speech waveforms.
5aSC14. Enhancement of concurrent vowels: Postcursor effects and thresholds.
5aSC15. Vowel perception in consonant context.
5aSC16. Vowel discrimination in a phonologically neutralized context.
5aSC17. Temporal and acoustic parameters mediating perceptual overshoot in vowel perception.
5aSC18. The perceptual magnet effect as an emergent feature of neural map formation.
5aSC19. The phonological relationship between Taiwanese initial voiced stops and nasals.
5aSC20. Modeling processing dependences in speech perception.
5aSC21. Effects of amplitude on voicing contrast may not be explained by VIIIth nerve synchrony capture.
5aSC22. Auditory representation of changes in vocal dynamic level.
5aSC23. A novel psychophysical procedure for investigating the syllabic organization of phonemes in speech.
5aSC24. First formant spectral properties and initial stop--consonant [voice] judgments.
5aSC25. Preschool children's use of dynamic acoustic information for word recognition.
5aSC26. Auditory-visual context effects on the perception of /r/ and /l/ in a stop cluster.
5aSC27. A reconsideration of intensity-based duplex perception for speech.
5aSC28. Individual differences and the perception-production link.
5aSC29. Stop consonant perception in 3- and 4-year-old children.
5aSC30. Age-related changes in the categorical perception of stop consonants.
5aSC31. An age-based auditory Stroop effect.
5aSC32. Dynamic cues in vowel identification: A training study.