5aSC25. Preschool children's use of dynamic acoustic information for word recognition.

Session: Friday Morning, May 17

Author: Benjamin Munson
Author: Jan Edwards
Author: Robert Allen Fox
Location: Dept. of Speech and Hearing Sci., Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH 43210


While young children's ability to use dynamic acoustic information to categorize speech sounds has been studied in some detail [Nittrouer, J. Phon. 20, 1--32 (1992)], relatively little is known about their ability to use dynamic information for word recognition. This study investigates whether preschool children could use dynamic acoustic information to identify familiar words with missing consonants or vowels. A gated series [Elliot et al., Percept. Psychophys. 42, 150--157 (1987)] was used to examine young children's identification of familiar CVC words with missing final consonants; similarly, a silent center series [Fox et al., J. Speech Hear. Res. 35, 892--902 (1992)] was used to examine identification of CVC words with missing vowels. Eighteen typically developing children aged three to five were tested. It was found that even the youngest children did remarkably well at recognizing words with missing final consonants, even at the longest gate when the consonant was deleted 40 ms before stop closure. By contrast, the children had more difficulty with the silent center series, with some children being unable to perform the task. Results will be presented also for a second set of gating and silent center tasks, in which a picture-pointing response, rather than a spoken response, was used.

from ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996