Index for 4pPP
ASA 131st Meeting, Indianapolis, May 1996
4pPP1. Acoustic reflex decay for modulated signals.
4pPP2. Is higher acoustic energy at faster rates necessary for the click-rate-induced improvement in acoustic reflex thresholds?
4pPP3. Effect of probe frequency on the click-rate-induced facilitation of the acoustic reflex thresholds.
4pPP4. Effect of hearing impairment on the click-rate induced facilitation of the acoustic reflex thresholds in older individuals.
4pPP5. Middle ear of a lion: Comparison of structure and function to domestic cat.
4pPP6. Relationship between the frequency microstructure of the pitch-level effect and the microstructure of synchronous evoked otoacoustic emissions.
4pPP7. On the relation of distortion product and transient evoked emission spectral fine structure.
4pPP8. New evoked cochlear responses: Double chirp-evoked distortion products and double click-evoked otoacoustic emissions.
4pPP9. The development of forward masking in human infants.
4pPP10. Role of fundamental frequency differences in perception of simultaneous vowels by hearing-impaired listeners.
4pPP11. Discriminability of two-component complex tones by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners.
4pPP12. Acoustic properties of the chinchilla pinna and ear canal.
4pPP13. Age-related hearing loss, temporary threshold shift and permanent threshold shift in four strains of mice.
4pPP14. Hearing and development impairment in Down-syndrome children.
4pPP15. The effect of head protectors on warning sound perception in noisy workplaces.
4pPP16. Physiological correlates of the time-intensity trade in auditory late responses.
4pPP17. Detection of frequency-modulated signals by cochlear-implant users.
4pPP18. Auditory brain-stem responses in adults with chronic conductive hearing loss.
4pPP19. Estimates of spectral weights and internal noise in the discrimination of spectral variance.
4pPP20. Intrinsic envelope fluctuations and modulation-detection thresholds for narrow-band noise carriers.
4pPP21. Intensity weighted average of instantaneous frequency computations using time-frequency representations.
4pPP22. A quantitative prediction of modulation masking with an optimal-detector model.
4pPP23. Comodulation masking release as a function of masking noise-band temporal envelope similarity in normal hearing and cochlear impaired listeners.
4pPP24. Discrimination of harmonic- and log-spaced profiles and of static and dynamic profiles by good and poor profile listeners.
4pPP25. Distinctiveness and serial position effects in tonal sequences: Combining DDT and PTD.
4pPP26. Temporal integration as a function of masker bandwidth.
4pPP27. Sinusoidal amplitude modulation thresholds as a function of carrier frequency and level.
4pPP28. Across-channel processes in frequency modulation detection.
4pPP29. Within and across channel processes contributing to comodulation detection differences.
4pPP30. Amplitude-modulation depth discrimination of a sinusoidal carrier.
4pPP31. Detection of tones in modulated noise: Effects of masker level and masker depth.
4pPP32. Effects of noise on the hearing system.