Index for 5aSA
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
5aSA1. Plane-wave acoustic scattering by two strongly interacting shells above coincidence.
5aSA2. Spatial surface convolution approximation of three-dimensional leaky wave contributions to high-frequency scattering.
5aSA3. Generalization of analytical numerical matching for structural acoustic scattering with discontinuities using a composite Green's function approach.
5aSA4. Active classification of submerged shells insonified by dolphin ``clicks.''
5aSA5. Scattering of sound by two concentric free-flooded cylindrical shells.
5aSA6. Response of thin semi-infinite cylindrical elastic shell to axisymmetric impulsive radial excitation.
5aSA7. Acoustic signature simulation of a composite armor vehicle using boundary element methods.
5aSA8. Adaptation of a frequency domain structural acoustics finite element code to test the doubly asymptotic approximation.
5aSA9. Application of finite element analysis and analytical numerical matching to scattering from fluid-loaded structures with discontinuities.
5aSA10. The splitting of dispersion curves for the fluid loaded plate.
5aSA11. Inferring the effects of curvature of tubulars from pulse propagation tests.
5aSA12. Full-field visualization of ultrasonic waves in elastic solids using phase-stepping digital shearography.
5aSA13. Crack detection in simple and complex beamlike structures.
5aSA14. Broadband method and apparatus for precise measurement of complex shear modulus of viscoelastic materials.