5aSA10. The splitting of dispersion curves for the fluid loaded plate.

Session: Friday Morning, December 6

Time: 11:00

Author: J. Dickey
Location: David Taylor Res. Ctr., Annapolis, MD 21402
Author: G. Maidanik
Location: David Taylor Res. Ctr., Annapolis, MD 21402
Author: H. Uberall
Location: The Catholic Univ. of America, Washington, DC 20064


The splitting of the free-wave dispersion curve for a fluid-loaded plate into sub- and supersonic branches and the apparent ``repulsion`` of these two branches are commonly observed. A simple model of the fluid-loaded plate indicates that this splitting must occur. A framework is offered from which to investigate the sensitivity of the details of the dispersion curve in this spectral range. The influence of the simplifying assumptions on the behavior of the dispersions in this spectral range and the development of more complete models are discussed and cited.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996