Index for 5aPA
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
5aPA1. Progress in the pulse-tube refrigeration and the thermoacoustic theory in Asia.
5aPA2. Thermoacoustics at high power density.
5aPA3. The optimization of a single-stage valved pulse tube refrigerator.
5aPA4. Two-stage pulse tube refrigerator phase controlled by three rotary valves.
5aPA5. A miniature pulse tube cooler for 80-K cooling.
5aPA6. Numerical study of unsteady, thermally stratified flow in an idealized thermoacoustic stack.
5aPA7. A model for transverse heat transfer in thermoacoustic devices.
5aPA8. Thermoacoustic onset as a critical transition.
5aPA9. The performance of an optimized thermoacoustic air conditioner.
5aPA10. The impact of heat exchanger type on the design and performance of optimized thermoacoustic refrigerators.
5aPA11. Torsionally resonant toroidal thermoacoustic refrigerator.
5aPA12. High-power, high-efficiency drives for annular thermoacoustic refrigerators.
5aPA13. Vibrocentrifugal fluid pump.
5aPA14. An experimental thermoacoustically driven thermoacoustic refrigerator.