5aPA1. Progress in the pulse-tube refrigeration and the thermoacoustic theory in Asia.

Session: Friday Morning, December 6

Time: 8:05

Author: Akira Tominaga
Location: Inst. of Phys., Univ. of Tsukuba, Tennohdai, Tsukuba, 305 Japan


There are a wide variety of thermoacoustic phenomena. They are classified as thermally induced spontaneous oscillations, prime movers, refrigerators, and others. Recent progress in pulse-tube refrigeration is remarkable in Asia. Common features of these phenomena are oscillation of fluid bounded by solid matter and axial gradient of temperature. The traditional viewpoint of the regenerator cannot describe functions of the stack and the pulse tube because it neglects the irreversible process. Linear network analysis neglects effects of the axial gradient of temperature. The thermoacoustic theory developed by N. Rott includes both the irreversible process and the temperature gradient, and it was supported by experiments on the stability limit of the spontaneous oscillation. To understand the thermodynamic aspects of the theory, concepts of heat flow and work flow were introduced. Interchange between these flows are related to the axial gradient of temperature. Extension of the thermoacoustic theory to include the progressive wave in addition to the standing wave made it possible to understand devices equipped with the regenerator by the help of a computer code THERMOACOUSTICA.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996