Index for 4aUW
ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996
4aUW1. Geoacoustic modeling using the Biot theory.
4aUW2. Imaging the hydraulic structure of the seabed through crosswell acoustic tomography.
4aUW3. Poro-elastic and poro-acoustic propagation modeling.
4aUW4. Acoustic scattering by targets in porous ocean sediments.
4aUW5. Time domain finite difference methods for range-dependent Biot media.
4aUW6. An idealized model for the frame elasticity of sand.
4aUW7. A generalized acoustic model for marine sediments.
4aUW8. Mandrel effects on tube waves.
4aUW9. Acoustic nonlinearities in porous media.
4aUW10. Temporal prediction of acoustic backscatter from sediments at 10--250 kHz.
4aUW11. Normal-incidence, high-frequency bottom penetration in the soft gassy sediments of Eckernforde Bucht, Germany.
4aUW12. Measurements of acoustic wave speeds in a fluid-saturated sandy bottom.
4aUW13. Effects of arbitrary pore-size distribution on the reflection and transmission coefficients for a porous seabed.
4aUW14. Electrorheological fluids and possible applications to absorbers of underwater sound.
4aUW15. Scattering from a bubble in a saturated sediment.
4aUW16. Horizontal inhomogeneities and acoustic scattering by granular poroelastic ocean sediments.
4aUW17. Determination of acoustic properties of marine sediments.