4aUW17. Determination of acoustic properties of marine sediments.

Session: Thursday Morning, December 5

Time: 11:44


Accredited Standards Committee S12 on Noise. Working group chairs will report on their progress for the production of noise standards. The interaction with ISO/TC 43/SC1 and ISO/TC 94/SC12 activities will also be discussed, with reference to the international standards under preparation. A report will be given on the activities of ISO/TC 43/SC1. The Chairs of the respective U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (P. D. Schomer and E. H. Berger) will report on current activities of these international Technical Subcommittees under ISO. Scope of S12. Standards, specifications and terminology in the field of acoustical noise pertaining to methods of measurement, evaluation and control; including biological safety, tolerance and comfort and physical acoustics as related to envrionmental and occupational noise.

ASA 132nd meeting - Hawaii, December 1996